
Kari Lake Files Election Lawsuit, Asks for Election to Be Overturned

Kari Lake is filing a major lawsuit in Arizona after the results of the 2022 gubernatorial election were certified, naming Katie Hobbs the victor.

Lake and her team filed the suit on Friday with an express request that she be named the winner or that the election be redone. Hobbs and Stephen Richer, who runs Maricopa County’s election infrastructure, are named as defendants, among other officials.

If you’d like to read the entire complaint, you can click here.

To summarize, it cites errors with tabulation machines allegedly causing votes to be illegally tabulated (such as double-counting). It also cites errors with voting machines at polling places causing long lines, thereby allegedly disenfranchising voters. Lake’s legal team then offers the following statement on how to rectify the situation.

Lake received the greatest number of votes and is entitled to be named the winner. Alternately, the election must be re-done in Maricopa County to eliminate the effects of maladministration and illegal votes on the vote tallies reported by Maricopa County.

Some of the complaints Lake made may have merit, but that’s going to be completely dependent upon what evidence her team is able to bring to bear. Someone saying something on Twitter isn’t going to be admissible in court, so when I’m writing about this kind of stuff, I have to shut that part of my brain off. What’s the actual evidence and how solid is it? Nothing else matters.

I will say that I doubt the complaint about long lines and broken machines is going to add up to anything. Democrats have long argued that long lines and interruptions on election day represent an illegal suppression of the vote. The problem is that, ultimately, a voter has agency. They can choose to wait or they can choose to leave. That doesn’t add up to disenfranchisement. In the case of Arizona, voters were offered the opportunity to deliver a paper ballot into a dropbox. If they declined out of worries about their vote counting, they are responsible for that decision.

That isn’t the answer a lot of people want to hear, but six months from now, I’d bet I’m right on that point. The more interesting aspect is whether votes were tabulated wrong. We’ll have to see how that plays out. In the end, though, I don’t think anyone actually believes Kari Lake is going to be named the winner of the election.

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