
Soros Donated $50 Million To Democratic Super PAC After 2022 Midterms | The Daily Wire

Billionaire George Soros, who has funded supportive campaigns for leftist candidates for years, including leftist DAs across the United States, donated $50 million this fall to an American leftist PAC shortly after the 2022 elections.

Soros donated the funds to Democracy PAC, whose president is his son Alexander, a source who examined the PAC’s new Federal Elections Commission filing reported to POLITICO. That was in addition to the $125 million he gave the group last January.

Using his affiliated super PACs or simply giving a direct donation, in 2022, Soros donated $14 million to Senate Majority PAC, which works to elect Senate Democrats; $5 million to House Majority PAC, the chief House Democratic super PAC, $4 million to Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, $1.5 million to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, and $1 million each to Planned Parenthood, the Working Families Party, and J Street.

Soros has invested tens of millions of dollars into getting progressive district attorneys elected in 75 cities across the United States, analysts with the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF) reported.

Soros, a progressive billionaire and founder of the Open Society Foundations, has invested about $40 million over the past decade to elect dozens of progressive prosecutors, including many in the most populated U.S. cities. Soros-backed prosecutors represent one-fifth of all Americans, and they hold office in half of the top 50 most populated U.S. cities and counties.

“Soros is using that campaign money and the hundreds of millions more for supporting organizations to quietly transform the criminal justice system for the worse, promoting dangerous policies and anti-police narratives to advance his radical agenda,” LELDF President Jason Johnson told The Washington Examiner, the first to publish the analysis.

“Over the past decade, George Soros has spent $40 million to elect 75 of his chosen prosecutors. In campaigns from Houston and Los Angeles to Philadelphia and Orlando, Soros was the campaign’s biggest spender by far — as much as 90% of the dollars spent in some races. Soros isn’t done yet — he’s already spent another million so far this year on his hand-picked district attorneys,” Johnson said.

Tim Pearce contributed to this report. 



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