Matt Ofalea compiled the four-and-a-half minute video below for Matt Taibbi this past March. Taibbi revisits the video in his TK News/Substack post “YouTube Censors Reality, Boosts Disinformation: Part 1.” Subhead: “YouTube censored this site for accuracy, yet new news today underscores that they continue to hype fake news.” As Taibbi tells the story in his post: “[Orfalea] did an exceptional job back in March in the video [below], compiling clips of people who went on air and with absolute certainty proclaimed the laptop ‘a lie,’ ‘altered or fake,’ ‘pure distractions,’ and of course, ‘RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.’”
Taibbi revisits the video above partially in connection with the CBS News story on which we have been hammering. Two years after the fact, CBS News has declared the Hunter Biden laptop to be what the New York Post reported it to be. Orfalea’s masterly video compilation is illustrative of the Democrat/Deep State/Garbage Media alliance we and others have observed many times before, but the video is a work of art.
The video lacks only a scroll of credits. As we enter what will be for some a long holiday weekend, I would like to invite readers to identify all the talking heads appearing in the video and send the list to me at [email protected] Perhaps we can give credit where credit is due. They turned in a remarkable performance.
Taibbi links to his November 18 post “‘Election Denial’ for Me, But Not for Thee: YouTube Censors TK-Produced Videos, Again, Despite Factual Accuracy.” Subhead: “Matt Orfalea didn’t lie, alter clips, or remove key context. He made edits faithful to reality and just got a strike for it. Welcome to post-Trump America, where truth is a censorable offense.” David Strom takes up Taibbi’s larger points in the excellent Hot Air post “YouTube: purveyor of disinformation.” Please check these posts out as well.