Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally leaving his cushy government job making six figures while telling many Americans during the pandemic to go poor and starve (and possibly get a book deal for it). But the cackling coven of ABC’s The View spent Thanksgiving Eve (Wednesday) attacking his critics and suggesting “He spent his entire life saving peoples’ lives.” They did this while ignoring how the Colorado Springs gay bar shooter is “non-binary,” despite covering the shooting all week and blaming the GOP.
Co-host Whoopi Goldberg opened the segment featuring Fauci’s White House press conference and whining about how some, unnamed conservatives supposedly had their “heads exploded from outrage.” Without giving a quantified number or any evidence at all, Goldberg suggested some said they would prefer to get COVID than follow Fauci’s demand they get tested for the holiday.
It was Goldberg’s head that exploded in outrage as she began to scream about her recent COVID infection (her second this year):
Let me explain something to you as somebody who’s just come off it again – And not a nice, light, you know, because I came off a tough – a tough ass COVID, okay? You don’t want to get this! It’s not funny! You don’t want this! This will kill you! What’s the matter with you people?!
Joy Behar chimed in and suggested the only reason Goldberg was alive was because she was triple-boosted. “If you are not boosted, you’re gonna [die],” she falsely claimed.
This eventually gave way to racist co-host Sunny Hostin who erroneously asserted that Fauci has “spent his entire life saving people’s lives.”
Hostin said she “detest[s]” when people point out the fact that the latest booster is not that effective (which she admits it is):
I detest when I hear people say, “well, look about the new variant, you know, the new It gives you limited protection.” I wish to God that they had even that limited protection so that my husband and his siblings would not suffer the way that I have seen them suffer. And for shame. For shame for someone saying you shouldn’t even get anything.
Behar called it “disgraceful.”
Pretending that Fauci’s edicts have not led to people losing their livelihoods, people going broke, students committing suicide because of the isolation, and people suffering from other forms of hardship, co-host Sara Haines huffed about people hate watching Fauci and said they should just find something else to do since he supposedly can’t do anything. Behar said they’d prefer to die (Click “expand”):
HAINES: Why do people hate-watch Dr. Fauci? If you don’t like him, carry on. There are other channels. There’s other things to do. It’s not like he got you to wear a mask or do anything else. So, like, the focus on him just shows you that they’re trying to put their vitriol somewhere because he’s here for other reasons. So just carry on. Keep doing your non-masking and everything else.
BEHAR: It’s almost like, “gee, I’ll get COVID and I’ll die, and I’ll own the libs.” What a good idea!
Faux Republican co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin bragged about being good friends with Fauci and lamented how he became “a boogeyman” to the right. She argued their animosity was misplaced because “he’s not an economic adviser. So, if you don’t like that states closed down because of COVID or because businesses closed down, that was not Dr. Fauci, an infectious disease doctor’s decision to do that. Or even things like discussions around masking kids in classrooms… He’s not a developmental doctor who deals with children.”
Behar added on by saying Fauci was made into a “scapegoat,” while Haines said others were made “unknowing victims of the narrative” against him.
Their ridiculous love for Dr. Fauci was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Procter & Gamble and Hulu. Their contact information is linked.
The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:
ABC’s The View
November 23, 2022
11:05:12 a.m. Eastern(…)
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: People’s heads exploded from outrage. A lot of conservatives who posted about how much they hate Dr. Fauci, that they’d rather get COVID than ever test again.
Let me explain something to you as somebody who’s just come off it again – And not a nice, light, you know, because I came off a tough – a tough ass COVID, okay? You don’t want to get this! It’s not funny!
GOLDBERG: You don’t want this! This will kill you! What’s the matter with you people?!
JOY BEHAR: The reason it didn’t kill you is because you have been boosted.
BEHAR: Okay? If you are not boosted, you’re gonna – you could die. That’s the point. People write on Twitter or someplace, “You see? Whoopi got it and she has the vaccinations.” Yeah, but Whoopi’s sitting there. She’s not in a casket, thank you.
11:06:22 a.m. Eastern
HOSTIN: He spent his entire life saving people’s lives.
SARA HAINES: Seven administrations.
HOSTIN: He saved – seven administrations. He saved people’s lives during the AIDS epidemic, you know. Thank – The holidays are now, for the past few years in our family, a really sad time because both of my husband’s parents died of COVID within three days of each other, within three days and within a week of their birthdays.
BEHAR: It was before they had the vaccines.
HOSTIN: There were no vaccines.
BEHAR: Right.
HOSTIN: I detest when I hear people say, “well, look about the new variant, you know, the new It gives you limited protection.” I wish to God that they had even that limited protection so that my husband and his siblings would not suffer the way that I have seen them suffer. And for shame. For shame for someone saying you shouldn’t even get anything.
BEHAR: Disgraceful.
HAINES: Why do people hate watch Dr. Fauci? If you don’t like him, carry on. There are other channels. There’s other things to do. It’s not like he got you to wear a mask or do anything else. So, like, the focus on him just shows you that they’re trying to put their vitriol somewhere because he’s here for other reasons. So just carry on. Keep doing your non-masking and everything else.
BEHAR: It’s almost like, “gee, I’ll get COVID and I’ll die, and I’ll own the libs.” What a good idea!
ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: I was so – So, Dr. Fauci is a friend of mine. It was such an honor to work with him during the height of COVID and congratulations on an incredible 50-year career.
I was surprised by what a boogeyman he came for the right. I did tell him, “if you go on TV too much, you’re going to put yourself out there and open yourself to criticism.” But he’d always say, “Alyssa, I got to get the information to the people.” He just wanted to do his job.
And what I’d say to Republicans who kind of —
HOSTIN (interrupting): Why do you think he became the boogeyman?
FARAH GRIFFIN: I think they blamed him – I think a lot in my party blamed him for everything they disliked about COVID policies. But he’s not an economic adviser. So, if you don’t like that states closed down because of COVID or because businesses closed down, that was not Dr. Fauci, an infectious disease doctor’s decision to do that. Or even things like discussions around masking kids in classrooms–
BEHAR (interrupting): So, he’s a scapegoat.
FARAH GRIFFIN: Yeah. He’s an infectious disease doctor. He’s not a developmental doctor who deals with children. So to put him — kind of all of this on him as if he handled it wrong, I think is totally misplaced.
BEHAR: But that’s a political move too, isn’t it? To put it all on him.
HOSTIN: But it seems like she’s saying they just misunderstand what his position was.
FARAH GRIFFIN: I think they’re misunderstanding the roles people play in public policy.
HAINES: But I think there were people who understood that allowed that to keep going. Like, they pulled the train along with people that were kind of unknowing victims of the narrative.